フィラデルフィア美術館のインスタグラム(philamuseum) - 2月27日 07時41分

Don't miss your chance to see a work by #CamilleClaudel amid some of #AugusteRodin’s most well-known compositions. Claudel began “The Waltz” in 1888, a year after #Rodin first exhibited “The Kiss.” At this time, Claudel’s reputation as a sculptor was growing and the affair between the two artists reached its height. This dancing couple, caught in mid-movement, is as light and evanescent as Rodin’s figures are earthly and eternal. The affair had ended by the time Claudel finished this sculpture in 1895, perhaps accounting for its tender poignancy. See this work before it leaves the #RodinMuseum on March 5.

“The Waltz,” modeled in clay 1888–95, cast in bronze c. 1905, by Camille Claudel (On loan from Iris Cantor)


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