ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月4日 08時03分

For several years, a homeless woman became a fixture to passers-by at a handful of spots in Midtown Manhattan, including this bench on Fifth Avenue. But in the summer of 2016, the woman, Nakesha Williams, vanished. Over the course of more than a year, our reporter Benjamin Weiser delved into Nakesha’s life, trying to understand the events and forces that put her and so many of the city’s homeless on the street. He spoke with dozens of people and received access to hundreds of emails that she sent over the years and scores of meticulously typed letters that she copied at libraries and handed to passers-by. His effort revealed a deeply complicated, at times contradictory, journey — a life of spectacular promise undone by demons. No simple answer to the puzzle of Nakesha emerged. But another narrative revealed itself: a story of New Yorkers and others who went to extraordinary lengths to try to help her, only to be left frustrated. Visit the link in our profile to read more about the search for Nakesha Williams. Photo by @george_etheredge.


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