のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 3月7日 11時23分

Did you know that you can use oats as an ingredients for many delicious recipes?
I have made a couple of savory dishes from Captain Oat's oatmeals before (you can google for my blog post - "Cheeserland Captain Oats"!) and today, I decided to try making one of those Insta-popular Maison Jar breakfast with Captain Oat's rolled oats - Fruity Choco Peanut Butter Overnight Oats

❤︎ half cup of Captain Oat's rolled oats
❤︎ half cup of greek yogurt (with raspberry puree for that fruity punch)
❤︎ 2 tbsp of cocoa powder
❤︎ 1 tsp of chia seed
❤︎ 1 tbsp of peanut butter
❤︎ 1 tbsp of syrup
❤︎ half cup of milk

Mix everything in a bowl, cling wrap and leave it in the fridge overnight. Serve the next morning with cut fruits and some granolas. Omg it was really yummier than I expected! The oats have soften completely to a lovely creamy texture richly infused with a complex flavor. Now you can make your very own Instagenic breakfast at home!! Check out Captain Oats' website for more versatile ways to use oats in your recipes! ^^ #endorsed #CaptainOats #LetsGoOats


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