コリー・ロバートソンのインスタグラム(bosshogswife) - 3月17日 05時17分

Spent the day at our farm talking to some incredible kiddos that need forever families! I’ll be sharing some of their videos with you soon, but have to tell you something amazing
We learned today that 2 OF THE KIDS WE INTERVIEWED LAST YEAR ARE IN THE PROCESS OF BEING ADOPTED ?? 2 OF YOU, ON THIS PAGE, saw their videos, stepped up and said, “SHE’S MINE” “HE’S OURS!” THEIR LIVES ARE FOREVER CHANGED! I am beyond excited .......................... @amkidsbelong @louisianaheartgallery and all of you foster families out there I’m incredibly grateful and in awe of what you do! Join me in prayer for these kids! Videos to come :)


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