ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月29日 04時35分

Skopje, Macedonia, has turned into one of the kitschiest capitals on the planet. An ambitious building project that started there in 2008 was meant to evoke an ancient past. Instead, it has created a wild present. About a decade ago, the then-governing party of Macedonia came up with an idea for a citywide building and renovation project. Hundreds of new sculptures were put up across the city, and many new buildings erected in the center of town. Dozens of false facades were added to Communist-era buildings, while scores of plaques appeared, attesting to events with varying degrees of historical accuracy. Urban planners and architects say the project — which cost about $750 million — was rushed into reality at the cost of structural integrity and functionality. Architecture represents the society that creates it, said Nikola Strezovski, a 37-year-old architect. “Architecture at its heart is about honesty.” And the city today, he said, radiates the insecurity of the previous ruling party. @stillerakos photographed locals fishing in the Vardar River in Skopje next to a pirate ship. (Fact check: No pirates ever roamed the Vardar.)


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