ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 3月29日 10時37分

Persecuted on land, members of Cambodia’s ethnic Vietnamese minority take shelter in improvised villages spread across the surface of the Mekong River's waterways. Neither documented citizen nor, in most cases, immigrant, they’re what the government has sometimes described as “nonimmigrant foreigners.” They can’t attend a public school or get bank account, get a driver’s license or a factory job or own land or property. Their children aren’t issued birth certificates, precipitating a generational cycle of de facto statelessness. “30 years ago, none of this mattered,” Christoph Sperfeldt, a researcher on ethnic Vietnamese citizenship in Cambodia told @nytmag. “No Cambodians had papers. There was no state presence. But the moment the state starts registering people, suddenly it matters.” Swipe left to see @andrea_frazzetta’s photos of the villages on the Mekong River, shot while on assignment for @nytmag. Then visit the link in our profile to read the full story.


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