StreetArtGlobeのインスタグラム(streetartglobe) - 4月6日 07時24分

Unrolling Picasso's tremendous epic "Guernica"; 1964. This photo was taken in 1964 at @ニューヨーク近代美術館, where the painting was hung until 1981 - when it was returned to Spain. It had been on-loan for 42 years. (Picasso said it could not go to Spain until after the fascist govt. of Franco was gone.)
It was painted in 1937 for the Spanish Republic Pavilion in Paris. The painting received tepid reviews in Paris. But Picasso allowed the work to travel all around Europe. But never to Spain.
In 1939 the painting came to America, sent by Picasso with a number of other works, to be kept by MoMA, for safekeeping.
Between 1939 and 1964, however, the work was then rolled and unrolled, and restretched *over 20* times (!) as part of a traveling retrospective of Picasso's art.
The stretcher was all but broken. The surface of the painting on the verge of collapse. Finally a new stretcher was constructed and the painting was installed at MoMA until it left for good in 1981.
Via @jerrysaltz


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