Livのインスタグラム(livlogolding) - 4月12日 12時47分

I have been working up the self-confidence to spend the day bare-faced. I get self-conscious about my sensitive skin that flares up when it’s hot, but especially when I exercise (I call myself tomato face?). I figure, that if I am strengthening my body’s immunity by exercising, I shouldn’t be wearing make up and letting toxins absorb into my skin, weakening my skin’s immunity. So, I have been using SOFINA iP Dodai Essence to help! Their store is opening soon at Isetan Scotts where you can get special promotions on the 14th and 15th for this product and more! Enjoy:) #SOFINADODAI #ad #livworks


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




