NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 4月16日 06時00分

The Moon's Aristarchus Plateau

The Aristarchus plateau is an area of the Moon ripe for future exploration due to the diversity of its impact and volcanic materials. It features a prominent crater so bright it’s not only visible through telescopes, but also to the naked eye. This region can tell us a lot about the rich volcanic history of the Moon. The river-like structure is actually a channel made from a long-ago lava flow.
More info: Take a virtual tour of the Moon in all-new 4K resolution, thanks to data provided by NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft. As the visualization moves around the near side, far side, north and south poles, we highlight interesting features, sites, and information gathered on the lunar terrain. Watch the full video at:

Credit: NASA/Goddard/LRO #nasagoddard #moon #space #science #TourTheMoon


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