#yogatutorial How to drop back and stand up from Urdhva Dhanurasana. This is a difficult movement that requires a balance between strength and flexibility. Since deep Backbends also trigger the emotional body, it also helps train the mind to be calm through adversity. _ How do you know you’re ready to start trying this? The easiest way to tell if you’re ready is if you can breathe deeply, your body is relaxed and you can straighten your arms in backbend. If you’ve got all that in your backbend toolbox it probably means you’re ready to try. _ When you’re ready to start working it might be easier to try dropping back from standing first. _ 1. Start off with your feet hips width apart and align your feet as close to parallel as possible. 2. Activate the pelvic floor and lift up along the central axis to maximize the space between ten ribs and the hips. 3. Slowly send your hips forward and drop your head back while folding through the joints of the spine. 4. Extend the arms first to your head, then pit straight. 5. If you can see your mat, then you can drop back. Exhale as you bend your knees allow yourself to softly land in Urdhva Dhanurasana. 6. To stand back up, inhale and shift all your weight forward into your legs, engage your back muscles, come up on to your fingertips and use your strength to return to standing. _ Full length video on my YouTube channel. Link in bio. Comment below with requests for more tutorials. _ #practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ? _ Practice with me on @omstarsofficial

kinoyogaさん(@kinoyoga)が投稿した動画 -

キノ・マクレガ―のインスタグラム(kinoyoga) - 5月30日 06時03分

#yogatutorial How to drop back and stand up from Urdhva Dhanurasana. This is a difficult movement that requires a balance between strength and flexibility. Since deep Backbends also trigger the emotional body, it also helps train the mind to be calm through adversity.
How do you know you’re ready to start trying this? The easiest way to tell if you’re ready is if you can breathe deeply, your body is relaxed and you can straighten your arms in backbend. If you’ve got all that in your backbend toolbox it probably means you’re ready to try.
When you’re ready to start working it might be easier to try dropping back from standing first.
1. Start off with your feet hips width apart and align your feet as close to parallel as possible.
2. Activate the pelvic floor and lift up along the central axis to maximize the space between ten ribs and the hips.
3. Slowly send your hips forward and drop your head back while folding through the joints of the spine.
4. Extend the arms first to your head, then pit straight.
5. If you can see your mat, then you can drop back. Exhale as you bend your knees allow yourself to softly land in Urdhva Dhanurasana.
6. To stand back up, inhale and shift all your weight forward into your legs, engage your back muscles, come up on to your fingertips and use your strength to return to standing.
Full length video on my YouTube channel. Link in bio. Comment below with requests for more tutorials.
#practiceyogachangeyourworld #onebreathatatime ?
Practice with me on @omstarsofficial


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