ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月8日 02時43分

Ever since LeBron James wandered back to #Cleveland in 2014, he has, in the @NBA championship round, faced the Golden State @ゴールデンステート・ウォリアーズ, a team that gets more talented each year. @レブロン・ジェームズ has dragged the weakest @キャブス team yet to this year’s showdown with the #Warriors, and now it’s perched at the edge of defeat’s abyss. Soon, he’ll become a free agent, and he could well leave for a better-crafted team in another city. (Los Angeles? Houston? Philadelphia? San Antonio?) In 2010, when he left for the @Miami HEAT, the citizens of #Ohio erupted in a collective and pained tantrum. No doubt some fans will grumble and moan this time, but @レブロン・ジェームズ has delivered on his promises. “Whatever he does, I wish him nothing but the best,” said Rachel Walker, a nurse who took her daughter to yesterday’s game. “He brought Cleveland a championship, right?” said Terry Smith, a husky and retired veteran of the railroads. “He has tremendous scholarship programs for Akron and Cleveland, right?" He went on: “He has the right to take care of his family and go wherever he wants.” @andyspear took this photo of Rich Siebert dressed for the game. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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