unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 6月14日 00時01分

Hi, I’m @adrianazehbrauskas, a documentary photographer based in Mexico City. Today I’ll be sharing photos and stories about what it is to become a father. Earlier this year I traveled to five countries across the world, visiting hospitals in big cities and rural areas, to capture one of the most intimate - and sometimes most painful moments of a person’s life: the birth of their child.
“It’s so incredible to have something so precious so close to you. It’s an overwhelming happiness, and I'm so proud of Katie (his partner) after everything she’s been through,” said Alex while holding his son Harley, who was born premature at 32 weeks at Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, in Devon, England. That evening, Alex and Katie welcomed me into their warm, private hospital bedroom. It was the first time they were all together after Harley’s birth, as he had to spend time in the ward and incubator. Alex, a truck-driver, is a lucky father: he had two weeks of paternity leave. In most countries, men have no paternity leave at all, making it very difficult for them to be around mother and baby at such a crucial moment in their lives. Tap link in bio for more info. © UNICEF/UN0204086/Zehbrauskas

#EarlyMomentsMatter #FathersDay #EarlyChildhoodDevelopment #SuperDad #InstagramTakeover


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