unicefのインスタグラム(unicef) - 6月14日 02時01分

Hi, I’m @adrianazehbrauskas, a documentary photographer based in Mexico City. Today, I’ll be sharing photos and stories about what it is to become a father. Earlier this year I traveled to five countries across the world, visiting hospitals in big cities and rural areas, to capture one of the most intimate - and sometimes most painful moments of a person’s life: the birth of their child. Gabino helps dry his wife's hair while she breastfeeds their newborn baby girl at a hospital in Zongolica, a small village circled by mountains in the state of Veracruz, Mexico. It seems trivial, but I was moved by his gentle, kind and thoughtful gesture. Here, fathers aren’t allowed inside the delivery room - they are only called the moment their partner is giving birth, and even then, they must wait outside. If all is well, the newborn is brought to the father for a brief moment before being returned to the mother. The three of them were reunited in a shared room after a short recovery period. Tap link in bio for more info. © UNICEF/UN0209880/Zehbrauskas

#EarlyMomentsMatter #FathersDay #EarlyChildhoodDevelopment #SuperDad #InstagramTakeover


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