クリスティン・ポープのインスタグラム(kris10pope) - 6月16日 08時19分

My training isn’t very exciting right now- not a lot to film or showcase because it is just straight up *work* that isn’t very visually stimulating. I don’t train max lifts once a week or max effort rep attempts even... been there, done that, torn too many body parts in half... it ain’t the lifestyle for me. After each meet i spend quality time focusing on movement with a lot of reps and sets at light weight- focus on my technique and my overall condition as an athlete and then we build on that week by week until a peak. Fun fact- the heaviest clean i made in training the entire cycle for my last meet was 104kg (& opened with that number haha) and at Nationals completed 108kg clean & jerk and racked 113kg. Food for thought. It only matters what you hit in front of real judges with their fancy red & white lights. @roninweightlifting @barbellsandbowssquad @universalusa 65kg


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