レオナルド・ディカプリオのインスタグラム(leonardodicaprio) - 6月27日 09時34分

#Regram #RG @amazonfrontlines: For Waorani women living along the Via Maxus oil road in Yasuni National Park, the day begins at the crack of dawn, young children in tow and empty buckets in hand, as they wait in the morning mist for the oil company bus that will take them 1 hour up the road to the oil station. There, the company fills their buckets with potable water and the women haul the heavy buckets home. This sequence is repeated again in the afternoon. Every day. These women can no longer collect drinking water from nearby streams, as oil companies polluted the streams over the last three decades. ⠀

Now, we are working alongside Waorani technicians to install rainwater catchment systems that will provide these families with filtered drinking water right next to their homes, improving families' health and reducing their dependency on the oil company. ⠀

Interested in supporting this vital work? Follow the link in our bio today to help build solutions to oil pollution in the Amazon. ⠀

#LessOilMoreWater #waoraniresistance


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