スミソニアン博物館のインスタグラム(smithsonian) - 7月10日 06時24分

The male Bocon toadfish tries to win over the ladies with a song that drowns out the competition.
Off the coast of Bocas del Toro, Panama, these fish have bulging eyes, puffed-out cheeks and fleshy barbels dangling from their mouths. They rely on their singing to attract a mate to their burrows.
Marine biologists with @smithsonianenvironment and other organizations were trying to record the sounds of the reefs at a @smithsonianpanama field station, when the toadfish sang over everything else.
Each toadfish has its own distinct voice and style, a combination of grunts (like clearing their throats) and boops (the part of the song that’s supposed to attract females). Scientists also found the group of toadfish engaged in an underwater sing-off of sorts, interrupting and singing over each other.


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