Girls on IG be like .... Hard work pays off ??. ** but they forget to mention their sugar daddy is at home with his wife ?Real talk tho... I’ve never been someone who is into material things. I mean, I like nice shit but I don’t HAVE to have them. I enjoy my shopping sprees at target & the dollar store. Don’t even get me started on thrift store finds ? Some of you may say “Jess I’m sure you can afford that car” & you may be right but I don’t want a car payment or to drain my bank account on something that depreciates the second I drive off. Most of the lives you see on IG appear more extravagant than they really are. I know people w/ over a million followers who are worried about making their rent. And then there are others with fancy cars & live with 7 roommates in an apartment. People are scared to appear humble and I don’t understand this. We struggle and we have amazing moments. That’s life. I honestly love working for my own money & spending it on things that matter to me. Not anyone else. And that’s what I’m teaching Ky. Just because Billy (is anyone named Billy anymore?) has a room made out of gold, it doesn’t mean you have to. You don’t even like gold! You guys get my point ? Butttt I have always liked this car and now I really do love it even more after driving it for 2 days. Thank you @diplomatrentals for letting me have her in Vegas. I went home and checked carmax & realllllly thinking about getting one. Of course it’s not as fancy and has some miles on her but you’ve changed my mind from a Jeep to this beauty’s “not as stunning” sister. ? And by the way, the guys over at Diplomat are sooooo fucking cool and sweet! Next time I’m here I’m getting the lambo. Per Kyler’s spoiled ass request. Thank you guys so much for making me feel fancy for a few days!!!

jessahintonさん(@jessahinton)が投稿した動画 -

ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 7月12日 01時45分

Girls on IG be like .... Hard work pays off ??. ** but they forget to mention their sugar daddy is at home with his wife ?Real talk tho... I’ve never been someone who is into material things. I mean, I like nice shit but I don’t HAVE to have them. I enjoy my shopping sprees at target & the dollar store. Don’t even get me started on thrift store finds ? Some of you may say “Jess I’m sure you can afford that car” & you may be right but I don’t want a car payment or to drain my bank account on something that depreciates the second I drive off. Most of the lives you see on IG appear more extravagant than they really are. I know people w/ over a million followers who are worried about making their rent. And then there are others with fancy cars & live with 7 roommates in an apartment. People are scared to appear humble and I don’t understand this. We struggle and we have amazing moments. That’s life. I honestly love working for my own money & spending it on things that matter to me. Not anyone else. And that’s what I’m teaching Ky. Just because Billy (is anyone named Billy anymore?) has a room made out of gold, it doesn’t mean you have to. You don’t even like gold! You guys get my point ? Butttt I have always liked this car and now I really do love it even more after driving it for 2 days. Thank you @diplomatrentals for letting me have her in Vegas. I went home and checked carmax & realllllly thinking about getting one. Of course it’s not as fancy and has some miles on her but you’ve changed my mind from a Jeep to this beauty’s “not as stunning” sister. ? And by the way, the guys over at Diplomat are sooooo fucking cool and sweet! Next time I’m here I’m getting the lambo. Per Kyler’s spoiled ass request. Thank you guys so much for making me feel fancy for a few days!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




