Real talk ✨ Because you guys love it so much. ? When I was younger I thought I’d have 3 or 4 kids by now. I come from a family of 7 & loved growing up w/ tons of siblings who I love even more now as adults. Being the eldest, those were my babies who I still feel semi responsible for now. Butttt that was not in the cards for me & I’m finding I’m ok with that. Because 1 kid can be a enough to drive you crazy. I never understood the parents who sugarcoat their kid’s behavior and say it’s easy. If your kid is a little shit then call a spade a spade. Don’t say that little Timmy (Timmy? ?) is the best thing in the world but him spitting & biting is causing you to pull your hair out. I have had parents lie to my face like I didn’t just see what their kid did. “He was just expressing himself”. Ummmm no. You need to work on that ASAP before Timmy grows up and you’re now on Maury asking for help. Or the parents that let their kids live on their video game console and blame it on “technology”. No. You’re a lazy parent who would rather not deal with backtalk. It’s OK to be stressed from your kids. Its OK to have them mad at you for a minute but thank you later on in life. It’s OK to not have everything figured out because as a parent we just go with the flow and do our best. I try to be a good mom but sometimes I think I fuck up. I curse too much but working on it. He’s spoiled & I’m working on that too. I literally JUST yelled at his ass for backtalking. I’m the 1st person to say being a parent is the best job in the world but it’s the fucking hardest & .... we don’t even get paid. We get rewarded with kisses and tantrums. As parents let’s cut the shit and start helping each other as we’re watching our kids grow up way too fast !!!! The shit they learn nowadays blows my mind and they’re knowing things that I didn’t learn about until my teens!!! Get your kids and put them around motivated and active people. Genuine and kind people. They absorb everything and watch others more than you’ll ever know. If you’re a parent in LA, hell..let’s do a play date & we can complain/rejoice about parent life. If you aren’t in LA, find good people like my @1stphorm #phamily ?

jessahintonさん(@jessahinton)が投稿した動画 -

ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 7月12日 09時48分

Real talk ✨
Because you guys love it so much. ?
When I was younger I thought I’d have 3 or 4 kids by now. I come from a family of 7 & loved growing up w/ tons of siblings who I love even more now as adults. Being the eldest, those were my babies who I still feel semi responsible for now. Butttt that was not in the cards for me & I’m finding I’m ok with that. Because 1 kid can be a enough to drive you crazy. I never understood the parents who sugarcoat their kid’s behavior and say it’s easy. If your kid is a little shit then call a spade a spade. Don’t say that little Timmy (Timmy? ?) is the best thing in the world but him spitting & biting is causing you to pull your hair out. I have had parents lie to my face like I didn’t just see what their kid did. “He was just expressing himself”. Ummmm no. You need to work on that ASAP before Timmy grows up and you’re now on Maury asking for help. Or the parents that let their kids live on their video game console and blame it on “technology”. No. You’re a lazy parent who would rather not deal with backtalk. It’s OK to be stressed from your kids. Its OK to have them mad at you for a minute but thank you later on in life. It’s OK to not have everything figured out because as a parent we just go with the flow and do our best. I try to be a good mom but sometimes I think I fuck up. I curse too much but working on it. He’s spoiled & I’m working on that too. I literally JUST yelled at his ass for backtalking. I’m the 1st person to say being a parent is the best job in the world but it’s the fucking hardest & .... we don’t even get paid. We get rewarded with kisses and tantrums. As parents let’s cut the shit and start helping each other as we’re watching our kids grow up way too fast !!!! The shit they learn nowadays blows my mind and they’re knowing things that I didn’t learn about until my teens!!! Get your kids and put them around motivated and active people. Genuine and kind people. They absorb everything and watch others more than you’ll ever know. If you’re a parent in LA, hell..let’s do a play date & we can complain/rejoice about parent life. If you aren’t in LA, find good people like my @1stphorm #phamily ?


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