ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 7月19日 19時31分

You don’t need to down play your ethics, morals and opinions because you are scared of your power. ☀️ I remember last year I ran a Bootcamp in Dubai. Because it was outside we were required to have a certain amount of security there. The team were very professional, kept their distance and watched quietly as I trained thousands of girls at once. Once the event was over, I said goodbye to everyone and thanked the security for their hard work during the day. I was literally about to close the door of the car when a security member called me back towards him. He put his hand on my shoulder and said, “you are a powerful woman - don’t ever forget that”. I was so proud in that moment, I smiled, nodded and he nodded back. Know your worth ladies, stick to your morals and NEVER be afraid of being powerful. www.kaylaitsines.com/app


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