エリザベッタ・カナリスのインスタグラム(littlecrumb_) - 7月22日 03時04分

#Repost @worldanimalnews
Last month, a man in #Washington came home to find his dog sniffing a small pup in his kitchen. When he took a closer look though, he realized it wasn’t a pup, but a baby #coyote who was extremely dehydrated and scared to death.
The Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (#WDFW) was reportedly little help; first telling the kind-hearted man to shoo it out of his house which he would not agree to. The department’s next suggestion was to “just shoot it.”
Eventually, with the help of his local police department, Don Caraway, a state-authorized wildlife control officer, was called to the scene.
Caraway reportedly promised to release the young coyote into the wild. He didn’t. Instead, he drowned and buried it.
Sign the petition and ask the #WashingtonDepartmentofFishandWildlife to end their relationship with Caraway??(LINK IN BIO)
Read More ?? www.WorldAnimalNews.com
@worldanimalnews @peace_4animals


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