フィラデルフィア美術館のインスタグラム(philamuseum) - 7月27日 09時42分

On select dates throughout August, the featured Members-Only Tour will take you on “A Walk through time.” Whisk through an open-air South Indian temple, be dazzled by ornate Neoclassical estates from the English and French country sides, and find refuge amidst a serene ceremonial teahouse. Each hour-long gallery tour is led by a different guide, so you’ll gain new and unique perspectives each time you visit.

“Pillared Temple Hall,” c. 1550, India. “Drawing Room from Lansdowne House,” c. 1766–75, designed by Robert Adam. “Ceremonial Teahouse: Sunkaraku (Evanescent Joys),” c. 1917, designed by Ōgi Rodō.


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