トリー・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(torriewilson) - 8月11日 03時14分

Part of your success is based on how in tune you are with your own body. Nobody knows how you feel or how hard you are really working better than yourself. .
We can’t all have trainers standing over & pushing us. Even then you can fool em if you want. So it’s important to be able to listen to your body and alter your workout based on how your body responds & feels.
Some days you are stronger than others. You might increase or decrease weight, change up reps, decrease rest time..no matter where your fitness level is just push yourself and you will get there.
The only one that reaps the rewards or suffers if you aren’t where you wanna be is you.
THAT is the place where you separate yourself from the pack.
#PushHarder #TakeControl #FitnessTips #HealthyLife #YouGotThis #CoachTorrie

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