テス・ホリデーのインスタグラム(tessholliday) - 8月20日 15時49分

I owe a million people phone calls, emails, text backs, etc & I’m just emotionally drained. I wonder constantly “am I doing enough?” “am I doing TOO much?” & then my anxiety tells me that I’m annoying to people when they don’t text me back right away or that I’m unlovable because of my trauma. .
Then I look at my boys, & feel incredibly grateful to be their mom. They love me on my bad days & often the times they make me smile, is the only joy I have that day. So in moments like this, where I’m able to just be present, the unanswered texts suddenly don’t matter. Those who love me will understand, & those who don’t, well, I can’t worry about that. #momlife


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