ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月23日 04時55分

Every summer, the hordes descend upon Dubrovnik, a gem of a Croatian city nestled on the Adriatic Sea. The crowds are drawn by the same magical beauty that has long appealed to Hollywood location scouts like those who chose the city as the setting for the fictional King’s Landing on @ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ. But the annual invading army of tourists toting selfie sticks threatens what attracted them in the first place. After all, it’s hard to feel the sublime majesty of a place when you’re standing in a line just to get in. “The crucial problem was that tourism was not managed,” said Dubrovnik’s mayor, Mato Frankovic. “It just happened.” But just as there’s no single solution, there’s no single kind of tourist in Dubrovnik. Look around and you’ll find day-trippers, families on holiday, people on cruise ship excursions, history buffs, party people and “set-jetters.” (They travel the world in search of the real-life locations from their favorite fictional universes.) The good news for locals: Winter is coming. Tourism in #Dubrovnik slows down when it’s cold outside. @kostyukov took this photo of tourist taking a selfie during a #GameofThrones tour while on #nytassignment in #Dubrovnik. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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