NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 8月29日 05時02分

During #Eclipse2017, scientists used NASA data to predict the appearance of the corona, the Sun’s tenuous outer atmosphere. A week before the Aug. 21, 2017, total solar eclipse that was visible across the U.S., scientists in San Diego wondered if their computer-predicted model of the corona would line up with a view of the actual event. A picture-perfect match would mean a step forward in the ability to forecast and predict space weather, which can garble communications signals, affect astronauts and satellites in orbit, or even disrupt power grids here on the ground.
After the eclipse, scientists from Predictive Science Inc. found their prediction (fueled in part by @NASA data) bore a striking resemblance to the Aug. 21 corona, although the model lacks many finer structures. Both the prediction (the darker, more "blue" image) and a composite photo from the ground taken on the day of the eclipse (the more "gray" image with a visible Moon at center) show three helmet streamers — immense, petal-shaped structures that form over a network of magnetic loops. The strength of the comparison supports advances in the new model.
Credit: Predictive Science Inc./Miloslav Druckmüller, Peter Aniol, Shadia Habbal/NASA Goddard, Joy Ng
#nasagoddard #space #science #sun #eclipse #NASA


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