ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 9月4日 15時30分

Photo by @salvarezphoto (Stephen Alvarez) | Salvador Perucho stands in the window archway of San Juan Parangaricutiro Church. The church was destroyed and almost completely buried by the 1943 - 1952 eruptions of Parícutin volcano in the Mexican state of Michoacán. Parícutin was the first volcano to be studied by scientists during its full life cycle. The volcano erupted quite suddenly from a farmer's corn field in 1943 and within a day was more than 50 meters tall. By the time the eruption ceased in 1952 the cinder cone was more than 700 meters tall and lava from the volcano had consumed 2 towns. All that stands now in the vast lava field is the remains of this church. Salvador is standing in what was the upper story window. There is more than 30 feet of church wall below him covered in black lava. Parícutin is part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, a zone of volcanic activity that covers central southern Mexico. It is responsible for the majestic volcanoes outside Mexico City and also for the occasional devastating earthquakes that rock the region. Follow @salvarezphoto for more. #mexico #volcano


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