キャサリン・ハイグルのインスタグラム(katherineheigl) - 9月6日 09時05分

Just finished up a busy day of work in LA, missing my babies who I had to leave behind in Utah yesterday. I’m back at my moms super beautiful LA pad unsure of what do with myself with no dinner to make, dishes to do, kitchen to clean, diapers to change, homework to nag about, socks to pick up, toys to step on, cuddles to force, long senseless kid stories to listen too, crying to sooth, dance parties to start, desserts to negotiate, fights to break up, bed time routines to initiate, must be minty breaths to check...so I’m giving myself a activated charcoal facial to kill time and getting ready to watch @suits_usa without any distractions. I should be enjoying a little me time...but I’m lonely and I miss my circus. This moment is a great reminder to appreciate the chaos when I’m in it cause it turns out I always, always miss it when I’m gone!
PS. I’ll let ya know how I feel about the charcoal mask after I get the courage to rip it off my face!
#thoseheavenlydays are gentle reminders to live in the moment even when the moments feel like chaos, cause it turns out the chaos is beautiful too!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



