NASAのインスタグラム(nasagoddard) - 9月22日 22時01分

NASA observed rare electric blue clouds.

On the cusp of our atmosphere live a thin group of seasonal electric blue clouds. Forming fifty miles above the poles in summer, these clouds are known as noctilucent clouds or polar mesospheric clouds — PMCs. A recent NASA long-duration balloon mission observed these clouds over the course of five days at their home in the mesosphere. The resulting photos, which scientists have just begun to analyze, will help us better understand turbulence in the atmosphere, as well as in oceans, lakes, and other planetary atmospheres, and may even improve weather forecasting.

1. Polar mesospheric clouds over Stockholm, Sweden. Credit: Kevin Cho

2. Polar mesospheric clouds observed by NASA’s PMC Turbo mission as it flew over the Arctic in July 2018.
3. The PMC Turbo gondola suspended from the launch vehicle at Esrange, Sweden.


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