コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 9月23日 10時38分

@coldfear keeping the belay stance free of death cabs. Aaron enjoys the ice climbing of Cody, Wyoming like few others. He dedicates his winter to the pursuit of the ephemeral frozen waterfall. He rounds out the shoulder seasons with shoulder / core training in the fall and “hair boating” (full value kayaking) in the spring. The South Fork of the Shoshone drainage is located in the Shoshone National Forest.
Today is the 25th Anniversary of the National Public Lands Day. It is a sweet reminder of how precious the shared lands are. The cliffs are winter range for the Big Horn sheep. In between is world class ice climbing.

2018 is also the 50th Anniversary of the National Trails System and the popular National Wild & Scenic Rivers System.
Integral to all of these public lands is the funding provided by the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Please, if you live in the US, call your Senator and Congress-person and advocate for full funding of the LWCF. Vote comes up end of September.
Wild places are the best thing we can leave for future generations. It’s the right & responsible thing to do.
#findyourpark #publiclands #savelwcf #finealpineadventure

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