ハワイアン航空のインスタグラム(hawaiianairlines) - 9月26日 07時00分

It’s @kalaniminihan again for this week’s #takeovertuesday! This past winter I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in an incredible surf photography contest hosted by legendary photographer @zaknoyle . Zak put together this contest for up and coming surf photographers (in Hawai‘i only) to give back to his community. We had to put together 12 photos taken from the months November to March to submit to his panel of iconic judges. It started off with around 40 entries, which then got nailed down to 10, and then to the final 6. I was beyond stoked to be able to even participate in this contest, but being able to make it to the final 6 was insane. Being the youngest contestant in the final 6, I was humbled to be apart of such an inspiring group of individuals. I was able to walk away with the People’s choice Award that was awarded to me at the @modernhonolulu after presenting my images to an insane crowd. The People’s Choice Award included 100,000 Hawaiian Miles presented by @ハワイアン航空 that I’m going to use to fly to Tahiti on the next big swell. This photo is part of the first round of photos submitted for @zaknoyle ‘s Changing Of The Tides contest this past spring


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



