コンスタンス・ジマーのインスタグラム(constancezimmer) - 10月2日 00時47分

#10featuredteachers This is ABBEY Teacher #8 let’s finish strong everyone! All my last teachers links are in my highlights! Remember YOU can make a difference with just ONE book even!! “Hi! My name is Abbey Melvin and I am a special education teacher, in Fredericksburg Virginia, Grafton Village elementary school, who works with students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders. I have been teaching this population for 6 years and I absolutely love it! Unfortunately, the EBD population is not always as supported as other disabilities, such as Autism or Down Syndrome, because there is no physical presence. My kids all look like typically developing elementary students, but internally they are persevering and succeeding with a disability just like other individuals who may receive more notice due to the physical nature of their disability. There are also many people who do not believe in “mental health issues” which plays a large role in emotional and behavioral disorders.” READ MORE ABOUT THESE AMAZING KIDS & TEACHER IN MY STORIES AND PLEASE HELP LINK IN MY BIO!


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