ミロスラヴァ・デュマのインスタグラム(miraduma) - 10月25日 01時18分

What’s ONE simple thing YOU will do to create a more sustainable future? We’d love to hear something short from each of you. Can be as simple as “quit plastic straws.” Or as big as "start a beach clean-up." Share your idea with the hashtag #Ambrosia2030 on Instagram. Feel free to re-post this image, or share one of you. @DrueKataoka and I will be re-sharing some of your responses on social media and tagging participants.
#Ambrosia2030 is a visual platform for issues and ideas around sustainability. And #Ambrosia2030 is about sparking conversation. We say 2030 because that is the year the @UnitedNations set for us to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. And we will get there by working together.

cc: @worldeconomicforum #sustainability #SDGs #SDG #YGL


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