ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月11日 04時45分

Photo by Joel Sartore @Joel Sartore // #sponsored by @バイエル // My grandmother’s name was Faynell Meese. She grew up on a ranch near Darrouzett, Texas, proud and sure, a survivor of the Dust Bowl and the Depression and a thousand other insults over her 91-years, all of which thickened her hide. She told great stories, feared nobody, and drank Jack and Coke whenever she felt like it. She had two favorite sayings: “Marry in haste, repent at leisure”, and “When poverty walks in the door, love flies out the window.” As a child, I thought I’d meet more people like her. I was wrong. // The challenges of the future are being worked on right now. In celebration of #worldscienceday, explore some of the exciting ideas that are being developed to help build a better tomorrow. Visit natgeo.com/questionsforabetterlife.


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Jeremy Veachのインスタグラム
Jeremy Veachさんがフォロー

