ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 11月11日 07時00分

Photo by Lynn Johnson @ljohnphoto // #sponsored by @バイエル // These are the women of Pink Steel. Every woman in this boat is a survivor of breast cancer. They are all ages—from mid 20’s to mid 70’s. Younger women may contribute more physical power but elders hold the center with will, encouragement and guts. Aging in this group is a testament to survival. They never give up in the boat as they didn’t give up on their very lives and so are models for all who paddle. The women gather often to practice for competitions—testimony to the healing energy of community. If one person hesitates, the cry goes up, “just get in the boat.” The boat is their rescue craft, the river in all its unpredictable patterns and currents, the challenge. Knowing the women in this boat was a privilege. I still remember the sheer power of each surge, a confirmation that labels of age and diagnosis are meaningless in the Pink Steel dragon boat. // The challenges of the future are being worked on right now. In celebration of #worldscienceday, explore some of the exciting ideas that are being developed to help build a better tomorrow. Visit natgeo.com/questionsforabetterlife.


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Jeremy Veachのインスタグラム
Jeremy Veachさんがフォロー

