タイ航空のインスタグラム(thaiairways) - 11月22日 14時10分

Happy Loy Krathong Festival 2018.

Loy Krathong is the festival which Thais pay homage to "Phra Mae Khongkha" or the River Goddess, thanking her for the fertility which the rivers brought them, and also asking her to forgive them for many defilement they have done to the rivers. The highlight of the festival, which takes place on the full moon day of the 12th lunar month, is when festival - goers float candlelit "krathongs" or floral vessels in the water, creating a stunning sea of glittering lights.

On this propitious occasion, THAI wishes that all your sorrow get washed away, and that the stream of happiness continuously flow into your lives from this day onward.


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