ローラのインスタグラム(rolaofficial) - 11月26日 05時06分

With roughly over a thousand Rhinos being killed each year and only 5,000 black rhinos left they are now critically endangered and based on statistics can go extinct within the next 5 years if we don't act now. This is the real world and the graphic images in this video are as real as it gets. Ive personally been heavily impacted by this issue this year and believe that this is something the world NEEDS to see. Fortunately we still have the opportunity to reverse what we've done and restore the population of these beautiful creatures back to normal but we need everyones help! Organizations like @vetpaw and the other ones listed on www.thewaragainstpoaching.com can use as much financial support as possible to operate and expand their operations at this time. Start by sharing this video and if you want to be a part of saving these incredible creatures choose an organization on our site or any credible charity that is working with rhino conservation and donate! These people are devoting their lives to helping these animals and NEED as much help as they can get at this time! @karmagawa has donated $250,000 to @vetpaw already and I'm adding another $10,000 because I want us to win this war! Let's use our platforms to serve a bigger purpose and win this war!!
毎年約1,000匹を超えるサイが人によって殺害されていて、そして今はクロサイはわずか5000頭しか残されていないんだ。そしてこのまま何も行動をおこさなければ今後5年以内で絶滅してしまう可能性が高いの。@vetpawのような団体やwww.thewaragainstpoaching.comは、動物達を守るために命をかけていて、私は @vetpaw に今朝寄付をしました。みなさまも一緒に寄付をして動物達、そしてそれを支えている方々を助けあおう🙏


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