ブライアン・メイのインスタグラム(brianmayforreal) - 12月14日 03時53分

This is from the Astronomy Now website - visit them at https://astronomynow.com/2018/12/12/catch-close-comet-46p-wirtanen-near-the-pleiades-on-16-december/ (see my post on Twitter if you want the link to work!). Tonight, right now in the UK, it’s still very low in the sky - and the Moon’s light is a nuisance ! But around midnight it should be high in the southern sky near the tiny cluster of stars known as the Pleiades. If the sky’s clear these are easy to spot - they look like a very small Big Dipper !! Then check this excellent map. Tonight the comet is lower down than the Pleiades - in fact, just off the bottom of this map. It’s moving up fast over the next few days. Good luck ! OH ! - and yes - you may see some meteors too tonight - it’s the time of the GEMINIDS meteor shower. Have fun ! Bri


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