真珠・野沢オークライヤーのインスタグラム(shinju_auclair) - 12月27日 14時20分

If any woman is looking for a new gym, team or hobby in 2019—consider @elninotrainingcenter. The ladies here have seriously become my family. I can’t even begin to tell you how much time and instruction these girls have given me this camp. At the risk of sounding sappy, I am super hashtag blessed. Some really amazing things can happen when your team has your back. I’ve never felt so much support in my life! @kerimelendez415 scheduled damn near every single one of my training sessions (life saver!) and has guided me through the entire process, @lesliesmithmma stayed late after all our sessions to put in extra time and instruction, @gato_feel let me elbow her repeatedly and taught me the sneakiest kickboxing tricks ? and @ach_tung was kind enough to beat me up a few times to wrap up camp. ? THANK YOU also to @krissahjartar (world champ!) and @groxyrocks for all the groundwork and rolls.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




