アレックス・オノルドのインスタグラム(alexhonnold) - 1月3日 04時43分

I just updated the @honnoldfoundation reading list to include all the books I’ve been reading during my film travels. A lot of time in transit means lots of time to learn (ideally, anyway. A lot of the time I’m just sleeping...). Check out the link in my bio for the complete list from the last few months. I feel like I’ve been on a pretty good streak.
Side note - I’d been meaning to update my list for a while but had been feeling too lazy when a stranger in the climbing gym approached me and started chatting about a few of my favorite books off of the list that he’d read. It was just the motivation I needed.
Let me know good recommendations, preferably nonfiction. Even more preferably related to the environment or energy.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



