ジェシカ・シーバのインスタグラム(mommasgonecity) - 1月16日 12時27分

My sweet oldest baby is back to 100% after the scary ordeal with his anaphylactic reaction to nuts. You’ve all been so thoughtful checking in on him, it really means a lot to us!

We are navigating this often unknown path with his asthma and food allergies as best as we can, and I’m thrilled to report that we have his first oral immunology appointment next week. I am so proud of the strong young man he is becoming.

The best we can do as parents is equip our young people to be their own best advocates... To learn to use their strong voices even when it might feel uncomfortable. To lead themselves with confidence through the murky waters of overwhelming fear and anxiety. I’m learning all of this right along with them it seems... My heart is all the way forward even when it feels like I’m dragging my limbs behind me. #motherhood


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




