レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 2月17日 12時28分

That part of you that looks for drama - that creates it, feeds it, stirs it? It’s tired. Real tired. Every day it finds a million reasons to get riled up; to dive headfirst into the he said this and she did that and get upset about the many, many things around you that don’t fit with your view of the world. Now; there is getting fired up and taking action to fight for what you believe in, which is good; pure - it gives you energy. And then there is the getting fired up about things that actually don’t matter all that much, or at all; the drama you can conjure up out of nothing; the drama you look for because you’re bored or anxious or not wanting to look at what’s bothering you within, well, you. That shit is tiring as hell. Drama drains us. And it’s an enormous waste of time.
Every moment you spend pulled into drama is a moment lost; a moment you could have spent at peace. And isn’t that what we all want? Peace? Within, and around us? Just peace.
So - look for it. Look for peace. When drama comes knocking, walk away. Choose peace. It might just change your life. x


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




