Please give at the link in my bio ☝? In May, Together Rising learned that children as young as 8 months were being ripped from their parents at the Border and put in detention centers. We turned to you! 76,168 of you raised $4,236,368. @together.rising used 100% to fund the most effective orgs reunifying families. In June, Al Otro Lado alerted us that the administration was deporting parents without their children. Many were tricked into believing the US had deported their children back to the country they’d fled. Desperate for their babies, they signed their own deportation letters. Upon, return, they learned their children were still detained in the US. Of the hundreds of deported parents, 90 were impossible to find because they speak indigenous languages and live in remote villages with no phones. They would never see their babies again. We said: NO! That is not how this story ends. With your funds, warriors at @alotrolado_org and @justiceinmotion activated a Defenders team who trekked thru the mountains of Honduras and Guatemala asking: Where are the parents whose babies were taken? We are here to help. They, thru you, found ALL 90 parents! Many are now reunified or are in the process of being reunified. It’s. It time to rest yet. We’ve been working with 29 of these 90 parents to whom the US offered these choices: Never see your child again or have them returned to imminent danger. We say no. That is not how this story will end. Right now with Sister & Liz from TR and Al Otro Lado by their side- 29 families are presenting themselves at the Border to exercise their legal right to present asylum petitions & reclaim their children. We are asking you to stand again with these families. Please tag everyone you know, friends media and public figures.

abbywambachさん(@abbywambach)が投稿した動画 -

アビー・ワンバックのインスタグラム(abbywambach) - 3月3日 04時36分

Please give at the link in my bio ☝?
In May, Together Rising learned that children as young as 8 months were being ripped from their parents at the Border and put in detention centers.
We turned to you! 76,168 of you raised $4,236,368. @together.rising used 100% to fund the most effective orgs reunifying families.
In June, Al Otro Lado alerted us that the administration was deporting parents without their children. Many were tricked into believing the US had deported their children back to the country they’d fled. Desperate for their babies, they signed their own deportation letters. Upon, return, they learned their children were still detained in the US. Of the hundreds of deported parents, 90 were impossible to find because they speak indigenous languages and live in remote villages with no phones. They would never see their babies again. We said: NO!
That is not how this story ends. With your funds, warriors at @alotrolado_org and @justiceinmotion activated a Defenders team who trekked thru the mountains of Honduras and Guatemala asking: Where are the parents whose babies were taken? We are here to help. They, thru you, found ALL 90 parents! Many are now reunified or are in the process of being reunified.
It’s. It time to rest yet.
We’ve been working with 29 of these 90 parents to whom the US offered these choices:
Never see your child again or have them returned to imminent danger.
We say no. That is not how this story will end.
Right now with Sister & Liz from TR and Al Otro Lado by their side- 29 families are presenting themselves at the Border to exercise their legal right to present asylum petitions & reclaim their children.
We are asking you to stand again with these families.
Please tag everyone you know, friends media and public figures.

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