Phil Heathのインスタグラム(philheath) - 4月27日 05時03分

Going into the weekend super excited knowing I’ve got more work to do as my success will never come from luck nor laziness! Just because it’s the weekend doesn’t mean you can’t still study a new skill, read a new book, get some fresh air and do something for your health. I’ve always realized that in order to stay ahead of competition, I must become aware of my weaknesses first as I usually know what my strengths are already. This has allowed me to always put my efforts into the areas which will spark the greatest amount of personal growth. It’s not easy because it takes tons of vulnerability, honesty and grit to overcome those insecurities and ego which typically holds us back from becoming our greatest versions of self! I encourage everyone to enjoy life, while having a huge willingness to learn, as I feel you will enable yourself to face even the greatest levels of adversity with enough confidence and mental battle armor to simply say, “this sucks but I got this!” Be battle tested!!!! Have an awesome weekend!!!! Train Hard, Train Smart & Have Fun!!! #PhilHeath #7xMrOlympia


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