野口啓代のインスタグラム(noguchi_akiyo) - 5月13日 17時03分

Yesterday I participated in au Speed Stars 2019. 😎🏝☀️
Although I was not able to update my personal best, I was able to advance to the final and remained in the best 8.🎉✨*
It was a lot of fun to be able to fight in the tournament format.🤜🏻💥🤛🏻*
I was 7th at the Final but I had a very good experience.😄🤗😘*
I was able to climb in the 9 sec. without mistakes in the qualifying and finals,, and I want to practice more and aim for a personal best update.📈📈*
It was very nice to be able to participate in the speed tournament with top players overseas with the support of @au公式Instagramアカウント . Thank you.💛🧡*
au speed stars2019に出場しました🙋🏻‍♀️🌈自己ベストは更新出来なかったものの、目標のベスト8に残り、決勝進出🎉✨*
素晴らしい大会にしてくれた @au公式Instagramアカウント ありがとうございます💛🧡*
@au公式Instagramアカウント #大和証券 @THE NORTH FACE JAPAN @orientalbaio #三井不動産 @cowsoapcp #zeta @air_sleeptechnology @C3fit シースリーフィット @lasportivajp @petzl_official @newhale_japan


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Instagram Japanのインスタグラム
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