キャンディス・クマイのインスタグラム(candicekumai) - 5月31日 00時32分

🍵j a p a n e s e b e a u t y f o o d
want to glow effortlessly, simply by eating better?
12 years ago I put myself through culinary school + cooked on the line w all the boys.
I paid off culinary school by modeling all over the globe + invested in culinary studies in japan for the past 10 years, studying how + why japanese women look so effortlessly beautiful:
try these smart j beauty ingredients I’ve studied + used to keep my skin flawless + my bod as healthy + tight as ever xx #realdeal💋

packed w health benefits, miso is a fermented food containing probiotics (good bacteria) which keep your gut flora happy, your immunity up and your digestive system healthy. Miso has anti-inflammatory benefits + is full of nutrients like zinc, copper, vitamin k, manganese, protein and fiber.

Miso comes in three basic varieties: white (shio), yellow (ki) a mix of white and red, or red (aka) according to your taste. The darker the miso, the more intense the flavor. Miso can easily be comparable to craft beer, the lighter the color the milder the taste. The darker the color the more
intense/deep the flavor. Use it in soup, dressings, marinades + a touch on an avocado!

When drinking matcha, you are ingesting the whole leaf—and all of its wonderful polyphenols (powerful antioxidants) that fight aging & the sun’s rays.
Traditionally matcha is made up of just two ingredients: ceremonial-grade matcha powder like @matchalove + water that is slightly under boiling: that’s at 175°to 185°F. check my book Kintsugi Wellness for more on matcha!

Shiitake mushrooms can boost your immunity and cardiovascular health. Shiitakes’ B vitamins energize your body. They’re also known for beauty benefits, as shiitakes are high in selenium and zinc, which may help to clear your complexion. Sauté them with some toasted sesame oil, or add to a soup, but don’t overcook with moisture or they will become soggy. Purchase dried shiitakes at your local health food store or Japanese store + store tightly sealed in a cool, dark place for up to a year.

For more of my recipes, check out my latest book: Kintsugi Wellness. Learn from educated PROS dude xx education is key x 💅🏼💅🏼ck


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