ノーブル・イグウェのインスタグラム(noble_igwe) - 7月2日 15時35分

With the flashlights blinding us, we couldn’t tell if it was other Corp members playing tricks or camp officials.
We were still trying figure out what was happening when we heard his voice.
Camp Commandant: Is that Lawunmi?
Lawunmi: Yes
CC:Come here.

At the moment,I didn’t know that he knew Lawunmi one on one but I wasn’t expecting the situation to go south. I was aware that Lawunmi wasn’t meant to be there because her mates were at the burn fire.

CC: What are you doing here?
Lawunmi: I wanted to talk to Noble about something important and personal.
CC: To his officers :Take her to the squad room.
CC: My friend drive out of here *How did we go from “I need to speak with you privately to take her to the squad room”? I figured I needed to do something, So I stepped in*

Nobs : Excuse me Sir.
CC:What is it ?
Nobs : Sir, I want to apologize on her behalf. I’m an older Corp member and I should have known better.
I’m aware that she wasn’t meant to be here at this time since others are at the burn fire but she said she needed to discuss something important with me.
Please forgive her.

CC : You know what ?
Nobs : What Sir ?
CC: Lock your car. Officers, take them both to the squad room and keep them busy until I get there. * At the moment, I didn’t feel like I did anything wrong and I didn’t think he was being fair but I had to obey his orders.
They took us to the Squad room, poured water on us and make us roll on the grass.
I was wearing a white outfit that quickly turned to brown.
They beat us with their belts, made us frog jump and run around the field until our legs couldn’t carry us anymore.
When they noticed that we were weak, they poured water on us again and pushed the two of us under a 6 spring bed.
In all of these, Lawunmi kept crying while saying.

Lawunmi: Noble,I’m sorry. Please forgive me
Nobs : It’s okay.
Lawunmi: Noble, please forgive me,ejo

I wasn’t angry at her, I wasn’t mad at her for putting me in that situation,I was mad at a situation that left all authority in the hands of a military to manage the affairs of graduates.

I know you think we were maltreated,this was nothing compared to what happened the following day.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



