下條ユリのインスタグラム(yurishimojo) - 7月12日 12時41分

I don’t know why but this view has inspired me every time I visit my friend. Her hallway of the old building in my neighborhood.
It gives me some feelings of creative courage that I can fly. It makes me feel to be somewhere deep deep in my old old memory. I don’t know what this is.

May be this tiles bring me back to my childhood memory. A close view of an abandoned large communal kitchen from the modern public housing from 1920’s Japan. Beautiful white and blue tiled basins were glowing still among over grown weeds in the empty lot at back of my home in Tokyo.
#ladder #staircase #oldtiles.

ニューヨーク、近所の古い建物の踊り場。友だちのアパートを訪ねるとなぜだかこの空間にいつも触発される。羽が生えるようなクリエイティビティ。ずっとずっと昔の記憶と何か関係がありそう… な気分になる。

#梯子 #階段 #文化住宅 #昭和タイル


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