Janna Breslinのインスタグラム(jannabreslin) - 7月24日 06時01分

MY CALORIES & MACROS: I am 140lbs & 5’8”. Today on my story I posted about my calories/macros. I have been eating intuitively for a few years, which has been great for my mental health. The thing is, I love my healthy fats, and high carb was always a struggle for me especially if it’s whole natural food (it’s always easy to over do it on highly palatable sugar/carb foods haha). But I’ve had a feeling I need to increase my carb intake for my performance goals.
My goal with counting macros for a day or two is to see where I’m at eating intuitively and how far off it is from where I should be. ALSO so I know I’m not accidentally underrating because I have a feeling I’m doing that too. For me to maintain my current weight with my activity level, I need to be eating 2200-2300 calories a day and to increase my performance goals I should be around 140g of protein, 73g of fat, and 257g of carbs. I think I was eating around 100-150g carbs so I’m going to try and double that and bring my fats down a little and see how my performance (in weight lifting & crossfit) changes!
The main reason why I don’t count all the time is because I find that I can get a little obsessive and lose that healthy mindset that I’ve worked really hard for over the years. Another reason is because I love to enjoy life and not be consumed with numbers all the time. After counting for a day or two I will be able to mentally make notes on how to change my diet when I’m back to eating intuitively. Do you count macros?
Train with me and get my recipes! 💪🏻🔥 Recovery programs are ALMOST DONE! Download my iOS app 📲 Link in bio


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