ギャランス・ドレのインスタグラム(garancedore) - 8月13日 00時29分

This week I’m going on my first silent retreat.
That’s exactly how I feel. Not only because this month of August - which I thought was going to be quiet and wonderfully boring - actually turned out to be a long series of parties and trust me I leaned in to the fun and did the opposite of noble silence and I am a bit 1/ hungover 2/ scared of the culture shock...
But also because it’s the first time of my life I’m gonna zip it for more than a few moments. And sit for hours in meditation. And by zip it I’m not just saying not talk. I won’t talk, won’t read or write, and of course will drop my phone entirely.

All right - not gonna talk about it too much yet (mouahahaah!), so, just bye for now!!!

PS “Le silence est d’or” means “silence is gold” and I tweaked it a little because I couldn’t resist putting a little Doré ego in there 🤔🤔🤔 way to go, G, way to go.


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