ライアン・ダニエル・ドブソンのインスタグラム(ryanddobson) - 8月13日 03時41分

Once a year I make this pilgrimage to spend time with the men on my dad’s side of the family. Up above timberline in the Colorado Rockies we fish and hike and talk. It is the opposite of life in LA and it’s had me thinking about echo chambers. .
We all enjoy spending time with people who are like us; the comfort of a friend who sees the world like we do, gets our jokes, and empathizes with our frustrations. The men on this trip have that in their communities in the beautiful mountains of Colorado, and I’m thankful for Los Angeles and the friends by whom I’m surrounded in this vibrant, bustling city. The two places are so different, but the social dynamic is the same. .
The problem becomes when out tendency toward homogeny prevents us from hearing other opinions, voices, and perspectives. As our country’s political temperature rises, I’m more and more concerned about that ghettoization of our minds. We spend so much time socializing through these “social networks” which are built to give us what we want: an echo chamber that affirms our thoughts and beliefs. That little endorphin rush of feeling “right” is being sold to us every time we use these platforms. Amazon knows what I’ve searched before and will market it to me again. Google modifies my search results based on what it knows I want to see. Facebook knows my proclivities better than I know them myself. And Twitter? I mean...
That ever-tightening spiral inward is dangerous for us. It is not healthy for our family relationships, our towns and cities, or our democracy. So it’s a trip like this venture into the Sangre de Cristo mountains that I have to make a more regular part of my life. Both so I can hear their voices and so they can hear mine. .
As we approach the coming presidential election I am going to commit to only communicate my political opinions through real life conversations. I’m going to call friends, go to coffee, and have face-to-face interactions. I will not engage in rhetorical volleying through tweets or posts. I will not use the anonymity of the internet - the mask of a computer screen - to ALL CAPS SHOUT at someone else. I will listen and converse and disagree - but I will (cont.)


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